1954-2024: a movement of thanksgiving

1954-2024: 70 years ago, the first Daughters of the Holy Spirit arrived in Doukoula, in the diocese of Yagoua in CAMEROON, in the parish of Our Lady of the Assumption. Since April of this year, the Vice-Province of Cameroon has been in the midst of a wave of thanksgiving to God and to the works of our predecessors.

After several events here and there, on Saturday 21 September 2024, we – the Daughters of the Holy Spirit, associates and other people of good will – asked for a Mass of thanksgiving to thank the Lord for the seventy years of our presence in Cameroon. Despite their busy schedules, the Mass was presided over by Bishop Nicolas NGARTOLENAN, Missionary Oblate of Mary Immaculate, parish priest of Doukoula, Vicar General of the Diocese of Yagoua, and Father Emmanuel OBINNA, vicar in the same parish. In his homily -inspired by the texts for the feast of Saint Matthew, apostle and evangelist: Eph. 4, 1…13, Ps. 18 and Mat. 9, 9-13-, Father Emmanuel made the link between Saint Matthew and the Daughters of the Holy Spirit, addressing us principally in these terms: “Daughters of the Holy Spirit, you are like Saint Matthew whose feast day it is today. Saint Matthew heard Jesus’ call to “follow me” and left everything to put himself at the service of his brothers and sisters. In the same way, in 1954, your French sisters left France, their country of origin, to bring the Gospel to Cameroon. They did not hesitate to invest themselves in education through schools, in health through dispensaries and health huts, in pastoral work through catechesis, in various forms of accompaniment, and in many other good deeds that put human beings on their feet by restoring their life, freedom and dignity. May God bless all the Daughters of the Holy Spirit who continue God’s saving work: to put people on their feet and train them for their full development! “. A very touching and challenging word for us today, where moral values have changed considerably.

At the end of the Mass, Sister Angèle HARANGA SILIKAM, vice-provincial, reiterated her thanks to the OMI Fathers, to all those who have lived in this parish, and to the people of Doukoula who welcomed the very first group of Daughters of the Holy Spirit in Cameroon. Addressing us, she urged us to ‘allow ourselves to be led more by the Holy Spirit in the love of God and of others’ to be ever more attentive and close to the children, the sick and the poor of our time, following the example of our predecessors. In conclusion, she also invited young people to open their hearts to God’s call, and not to be afraid to commit themselves to following Christ.

After Mass, we distributed some school supplies (ballpoint pens, pencils, exercise books) to more than 500 needy pupils from primary and secondary schools, irrespective of their religious denomination. This modest, ‘seemingly unimportant’ gesture brought joy to the children and their parents, and hope to others that they will be able to attend school this year.
It was also another opportunity for us to express our gratitude to the Congregation and to our benefactors who continue to support us in our mission here in Cameroon, where, along with the global socio-economic crisis, we are experiencing instability of all kinds: Boko-Haram and flooding this year.

The joy continued right through to the glass of water, which we shared simply and fraternally. Thank you to each and every one of you for your contribution to building an increasingly fraternal world. May God continue to give us the strength to bear witness to him in our places of mission!

Doukoula DHS Community. Published on 5 October 2024

1: During the celebration of the Eucharist
2: Some of the faithful during the mass
3: The Daughters of the Holy Spirit, associates, parish priests and beneficiaries
4: Distribution of the notebooks to the young people
5: Young beneficiaries and Sister Jeneviève
6 : The joy of giving