We embarked 60 years ago on a beautiful July morning. Here we are again, happy to meet again, to live a week together at the Ile Blanche, -in Brittany, France-, our hearts full of wonder and gratitude.
What a blessing it is indeed to live such a week together. To settle down, to rest, to expose ourselves to the light of the Gospel. More precisely, in the light of the last meeting of Jesus and some disciples on the shores of the lake. According to John’s account. Father Raphaël Buyse, our accompanist, was able to give us a taste of it with sensitivity, depth and humour! The experience of the disciples on the beach at the beginning, then in the boat at night, and finally in the encounter with Jesus in the early morning, touched us deeply, inviting us to be born, to listen to what is going towards life, to set out towards what is happening!
A witness of our time, Madeleine Delbrêl, accompanied us every day, reminding us of the overwhelming humanity of the Gospel, and the grace of living it in the ordinary and banality of daily life.
Simplicity and joy marked these days as well as our jubilee celebration, we, the sisters of the France-Belgium-Holland Province of the Congregation of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit, naming all those who were with us 60 years ago! -those who could not come, those who re-embarked in other ways and those who have already reached the other shore. At the end of the Eucharist, Ann, our Superior General, sent us back to our communities and countries. The dove of peace received from our Provincial reminded us of the breath of life that inhabits us and leads us!
We continued the celebration of this jubilee with a festive meal as the White Island knows how to prepare!
And now, let us go elsewhere, for everything is beginning and “it promises”, according to the very words that have rallied us this week!