In the town of Maroua, capital of Cameroon’s Far North region, the number of children living on the streets is rising sharply.
There are several reasons for this. In addition to difficult family situations – children fleeing violence and ill-treatment by their parents, neglected, discriminated against or abused orphans in blended families – there is mainly the insecurity caused by the Boko-Haram sect in the border areas with Nigeria, leading to massive movements of refugees and displaced persons to towns and refugee camps. We would also point out that the lack of a stable life for young people (school, work, trade, etc.) leads them, from an early age, to migrate to the towns in search of work in informal sectors… This is where some hang around on street corners, others are recruited for various domestic jobs in households, and still others beg in public places (markets, shops, etc.). What’s more, some of these children confide in people they don’t know… For many of them, survival means submitting to hard labour, abuse and exploitation of all kinds in exchange for a place to sleep or something to eat. The situation of these children does not leave us indifferent: it touches us and pushes us to get involved, to do something, however little! Our Rule of Life teaches us and comforts us in the face of what we feel: ‘The more we live in trust in the Father who knows what we need, the more we can bind our lives to the destiny of the poor and consent in peace to the many poverties that life brings’. ‘The Spirit can make of us women who are humble, selfless and in solidarity…’. (RV. 21, 2 and 3)
We, the members of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit community in Galdima, Maroua, with the financial help of our sisters from the Plérin community in France, organised a small celebration with these children. Friday 17 January 2025 was an unforgettable day for many of them. We had targeted the children of the Djarma crossroads for this celebration, but word had spread and those from other parts of the town joined us at the designated venue (Amadou AHIDJO stadium) just opposite our community: 50 children instead of the 30 planned! The programme included a football match, dancing, and a meal to round off the day. We know it wasn’t much, but we played, laughed and danced. We were all very happy!
We’d like to thank our benefactors and our sisters who helped us make this project a reality. And we are counting even more on everyone’s generosity to do more for the needy in our society.
Sister Marcelline ITESHI, Galdima community. Maroua. Published on 28 January 2025