A friendly afternoon at the Ehpad

Tuesday afternoon, 30 May, was a hive of activity at the Ehpad * “Lann Eol-Ker Anna” in Sainte-Anne d’Auray, in the Morbihan department of Brittany, France. The ‘Filles du Saint-Esprit’ communities from the surrounding areas (Loyat, Elven, Vannes), the families of residents and volunteers were invited to spend a convivial afternoon with the residents.

At 2.30pm, the residents arrive in the large activity room: sisters and lay people, in wheelchairs, in walking frames or on the arm of a companion who helps them to move forward… The salaried staff are there, as well as many volunteers, busily making sure that everyone is comfortable. People gather by affinity or acquaintance, and for some it’s a moving reunion. It’s time to get started!

A word of welcome from Madame MOREAC, director of the Ehpad, followed by Sister Jeannette LE BERRE, DHS, standing in for the coordinator, who was unable to attend… Then a video was shown recounting the history of Ker Anna from the past to the present day: we heard testimonials from employees, volunteers, residents, lay people and sisters, praising the qualities of life in the home, both in terms of care and the good atmosphere that reigns there… The applause went wild!
This was followed by a short show, a parody of Molière’s “The Imaginary Sickness”, brilliantly performed by two resident sisters in costume: Solange (the doctor) and Fernande (the sick person); all the spectators had a great time and there was plenty of laughter and applause! Jeannette performed a sketch by the comedian Raymond Devos on “ageing”, and Monique sang a number of popular old songs… And there was plenty of laughter too…

It’s almost 4pm, time to share a tasty snack with the residents. There’s a lot of chatter going on: people reminisce, tell stories, recall memories… Everyone seems happy and delighted to be here and to be sharing. It was a warm and friendly moment!  Then it was time to say goodbye and go home with a little more warmth and friendship in our hearts.
Thank you to all the staff at “Lann Eol-Ker Anna”, thank you to the volunteers, and thank you to the residents who attended for this time spent together, which showed and proved to us that Lann Eol-Ker Anna is the place to be!.

Sister Jeannine TIFFOCHE, DHS. Published on 18 June 2023
*- Ehpad: Residential establishment for dependent elderly people