A special day with children

Cameroon. On 25 May 2024, together with other people of goodwill, we organised a day of friendship with disabled children, nursery school children and children from Group II primary school in Touloum –Touloum is a commune in Cameroon’s Far North region. The theme of the day was “Play-based early childhood education.” This action enabled us to relive what our first Daughters of the Holy Spirit experienced, as article 1 of our Rule of Life tells us: “In concrete terms, in our missionary choices, we pay attention to the least favored where we are sent, mainly in the educational, health and social sectors”.

The aim of this special day was to teach children, with and without disabilities, to accept each other, thus promoting social cohesion for a fairer and more fraternal everyday life.

For children living with a disability, we particularly wanted to make them aware that they too can live happily. We invited “normal” children to show respect for their brothers and sisters living with a disability, because they are people just like them. For me, it was a way of experiencing more of what every DHS is called to live with the marginalized: trusting them! Many activities were on the agenda: the parade, dancing, games such as duck-walking, soccer, guessing games, sheep jumping and many others. A number of prominent figures from the Touloum district were invited to support the children: the basic education inspector, several nursery and elementary school teachers, parents and the general public.

Looking back on the day, I still have many feelings. I remain moved and filled with joy at having seen the children display their talents and know-how. The climate of trust and mutual acceptance created enabled everyone to feel at ease without complexes or shame. As I watched the children play together joyfully, I was once again convinced that the Spirit is truly at work, creating more fraternal relationships where everyone sees each other as brothers and sisters.

We ended the day by sharing a glass of water with everyone present. Thank you, one and all.
May the Lord continue to make us all witnesses to his world-changing love.

Sister Kovou Jeneviève, DHS, Touloum community. Published June 5, 2024.