Advent pilgrimage 2024

At the weekend marking the start of the Advent season, the diocesan church of Koudougou in Burkina Faso held its customary pilgrimage on the first Sunday of Advent, to the hill of Sabisgo. Hundreds of faithful Christians from all the parishes and non-Christians flocked to this place of pilgrimage called ‘Notre Dame de la Divine Providence’, braving the cold and dust of the dry, cool harmattan weather.

The evening before, a vigil of prayer and praise held the crowds spellbound, as each person came to obtain a special grace from God through the intercession of Our Lady of Divine Providence. A variety of prayer intentions were read out, highlighting the requests for help and support made to God during this pilgrimage, as well as the reasons for thanksgiving.

Bishop Joachim Ouédraogo of the diocese of Koudougou presided at the closing Mass of the pilgrimage. The excerpt from his sermon, below, speaks volumes about his desire for missionary renewal in our diocese, based on the realities we face. After welcoming all the pilgrims, he exhorted us in these words: ‘Church, family of God that is in Koudougou, on the way to the jubilee of seventy-five years, let’s make our families real domestic churches where we pray, where we work, where we love and forgive each other. We’re all delighted to find ourselves in this place of meeting and prayer dedicated to ‘Our Lady of Divine Providence’. For us, this pilgrimage is a journey of faith and hope… Advent is a time of expectation and hope, a time of conversion, spiritual struggle and recollection. The coming of the Lord Jesus requires us to change our lives in one way or another, so there is both a presential and a joyful dimension to Advent… I invite the diocesan family to make a pastoral conversion, in a world marked by major socio-cultural transformations and rapidly changing mentalities, and in a country experiencing crises that are disrupting life together.  We have a duty to question and renew our ways of being and doing, so that they are ever more in tune with the truth and charity manifested by Christ…’ He continued his exhortation with a strong emphasis on Christian family life and family education, inviting parents, pastoral workers and Catholic educational establishments to become actively involved in shaping a radiant future for our children and our country.

After Mass, a time of worship and praise brought the Advent 2024 pilgrimage weekend to a close. It was with great joy and spiritual comfort that we came down from the hill to live in serenity our time of waiting and hope for the Messiah.

Sister Lydie NOUFÉ – Koudougou.  Published on 3 December 2024