All responsible for the vitality of the Charism

In Burkina Faso, from 12 to 14 July 2024, we held our vice-provincial assembly in the community of Koudougou.
Our assembly consisted of two essential parts: the annual review of community life and economic training.

The opening prayer by the Vice-Provincial Council introduced us to the so-called Economic Assembly. The assessment of the community evaluations made us give thanks to God for the effort of fraternal life and the collaboration that have sustained our living together in community and in vice-province.  We were touched by the simplicity of life and the flexibility of each one at a time when our country continues to go through ‘a turbulent zone’. We have to continue our efforts in the mission, relying on God’s grace, letting ourselves be taken in by the comforting words of Jesus to his Disciples: ‘Courage! Have confidence!  Do not be afraid…’.

Sister Catherine GBEDELO, Superior General of the Institut des Filles de Notre-Dame de l’Inculturation, trained as a bursar and an expert in planning, shared with us her experiences as an African woman and religious. She challenged us to be more realistic women who live in coherence with our choice of life. She encouraged us to make our own resolutions to live by the sweat of our brows. ‘How do parents manage on their salaries so that their children don’t go to bed hungry’? For several years now our world has been experiencing economic crises, and in whatever way, direct or indirect, we have been affected: our congregation knows the disadvantages of these crises! Are we going to sit back and rely on each other just for our vice-provincial needs? ‘Don’t be disconnected from what your foundresses and first sisters experienced in the past’, she insisted, encouraging us to be not only African women but also and above all Christian and religious women, to live out our efforts in obedience and in line with our charism. ‘If we don’t know where we’re going, let’s at least know where we’ve come from and let’s live as daughters of Mary BALAVENNE, responsible for each other and also responsible for the vitality of our charism’. It was a time of real awakening of our conscience to recognise what the congregation does to provide for our needs, and to take the decision that is ours: the responsibility to ensure that we stretch out one hand to give and another to receive; this makes us more responsible.

After the invitations, awareness-raising and encouragement, the sisters of the vice-province said goodbye to Sister Juliana OLIVER who, after two years of mission in Burkina Faso, is returning to Nigeria.
It was the right moment for Sister Silvie ROAMBA, vice-provincial, to hand over the obediences to the sisters who are changing communities and missions.

The assembly was lived in a spirit of listening and fraternity, and we give thanks to God for his Spirit who precedes and inspires us.

Sister Edith YAMEOGO. Published on 19 July 2024