An exceptional event

On Sunday, 22 September 2024, in the church of Saint Malo in Dinan – Côtes d’Armor, France – an exceptional event took place in the history of a local church: under the presidency of Monsignor Moutel, Bishop of Saint-Brieuc and Tréguier, the first session of the canonisation enquiries of the Charitable Spouses, Claude Toussaint MAROT and Marguerite PICQUET de LA MOTTE, Count and Countess of La Garaye, opened.

An impressive crowd attended the event, including around twenty Daughters of the Holy Spirit and some Associates. This was a significant event, as the history of our congregation intersects with that of the La Garaye couple. In 1729, the Sisters of Plérin arrived in Taden, in the house of Petit Bon Espoir, donated by the Count and Countess, to teach the girls and care for the sick of the parish and surrounding area, either at home or in their own homes. The Count was concerned that the sick should be well cared for, so he took the training of the Sisters into account, ‘having them come alternately every day to assist in dressing the sick in his hospital, supplying them with the necessary remedies and teaching them how to prepare them’. This shows the deep gratitude we have for this couple, a gratitude we regularly express during our ‘pilgrimages to the Sources’.

Guillaume de Montgolfier, parish priest of Dinan, welcomed the participants and presented Monsignor Moutel with his request to open this first diocesan enquiry session. His response: ‘I am delighted to receive your request… The presence of this large number of people shows the attachment of the people of God to the Charitable Spouses’. In fact, the diocesan enquiry seeks to hear the testimony of the devotion of the Christian people. Why do we want their sanctity to be recognised? How does their example inspire us? To carry out this survey, the bishop entrusts the task to people who have sworn an oath on the Bible in front of the congregation.

This first session was made possible by a group of people who were passionate about the life of the La Garaye couple and their work with the Dominican Brother Jean-Marie Gueullette.

The diocesan postulator, Abbé De Montgolfier, gives us a simple and lively account of the journey of Claude and Marguerite de La Garaye.  This account of the couple’s life arouses admiration, questions our hierarchy of values, makes us feel the power of God’s grace at work, and also the courage that conversion requires. Claude Toussaint and Marguerite let themselves be questioned by everyday events. Their love of God and their love for each other were so strong that, in the depths of their being, they made the same radical choice: to put not only their riches but their whole person at the service of the poor. A retreat, each on their own, confirmed this choice. They would remain faithful to it for more than 45 years!

This first stage in the process towards the beatification of Claude and Marguerite ended with words of thanks to all those involved in the celebration and to all those who are committed to carrying out this diocesan enquiry.

This time of celebration ended with the liturgical prayer of Solemn Vespers, with a very fine turnout from the crowd. Commenting on today’s Gospel (the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time), Monsignor Moutel gave us an idea of how the life of the La Garaye couple is in harmony with the teachings of Jesus: may the happiness of our lives be to love and serve like Jesus, the great servant of all time…

Many of the participants then gathered around a glass of friendship, happy to extend this exceptional moment, in a climate of sharing and peaceful joy.

Jeanne LANDURE, DHS. Published on 26 September 2024,
with the support of Sister Anne-Marie TROMEUR, of the Archives Department of the Congregation.
Photos: Jean-Louis KERVIZIC, Associate.