Sowers of hope and peace

Sowers of hope and peace

It’s a tradition for the Church: for over half a century, the fourth Sunday after Easter has been dedicated to praying for vocations (married, consecrated and clerics).In his message for the sixty-first World Day of Prayer for Vocations, Pope Francis invited us...
Nigeria: 60 years of DHS presence

Nigeria: 60 years of DHS presence

The history of the Congregation of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit in Nigeria dates back to 1964, when four Sisters of the Holy Spirit from England, Sister Yvonne, Sister Albertine, Sister Thérèse PATTY and Sister Veronica HARAHAN, accompanied by Mother BRENDAN from...
In Cameroon, meetings of young sisters

In Cameroon, meetings of young sisters

We, the young sisters of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit, are very grateful to the Congregation for all the moments of formation that it gives us the opportunity to experience among ourselves and with other consecrated persons from the ecclesiastical province of...
An afternoon of “Sport and Faith”

An afternoon of “Sport and Faith”

Everyone knows that in 2024, the Olympic and Paralympic Games will be held in France, and for the most part in Seine-Saint-Denis, a department bordering Paris.  On Saturday 9 March 2024, the secondary school chaplaincies and the CCFD (Catholic Committee against Hunger...
“Lenten recollection!

“Lenten recollection!

On Saturday 24 February 2024, 7 young people from the vocations group of the parish of Notre Dame de la Présentation de Marza, in Ngaoundéré – a town in the northern part of CAMEROON – met to look together at how to live the Lenten season of 2024. In fact,...