Postulants, in view of religious life

Postulants, in view of religious life

It was with great joy that the “Daughters of the Holy Spirit” welcomed eight postulants. The rite of welcome took place on 12 July 2022 at the Postulancy House in Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria. We were welcomed by Sister Stella Oluwafemi and Sister Anne...
Sacrament of confirmation: faith committed…

Sacrament of confirmation: faith committed…

The intensive exposure of candidates to Catechesis in Marie Balavenne Catholic College, Ilogbo Nigeria, has become an avenue that has opened the minds of the young ones to willingly and happily embrace and value the sacraments of the church every year. For Marie...
In Nigeria: new vice-provincial team

In Nigeria: new vice-provincial team

It was an epoch-making event for all the Daughters of the Holy Spirit in the Vice-Province of Nigeria on Friday 1st July 2022, as the past leadership team anchored by Sr Anthonia Ayeni handed over the leadership baton to the next team still piloted by Sr Ayeni for a...
Rereading the year and our history

Rereading the year and our history

From the 24th to the 26th of June 2022, our end of year assembly was held in the community of Diébougou, vice-province of Burkina Faso, for a review of the pastoral and community year. In her words, our Vice-Provincial, Silvie Roamba, gave thanks to the Lord, Master...
Plant Festival

Plant Festival

Under a sunny and beautiful sky, the Maison d’Accueil de l’Ile Blanche -Région Bretagne, France- hosted its first “Fête des Plantes”, this Sunday, June 12, 2022. Thanks to the collaboration of the Sisters, the “Friends of the Ile...