At the school of Leadership and Management

At the school of Leadership and Management

From 17 to 19 May 2024, community leaders, bursars and all the sisters responsible for the various structures (educational, health and social) of the Vice-Province of Cameroon met at the Vice-Provincial House in the town of Maroua for a formation session about...
Pentecost in Peru

Pentecost in Peru

This year, the Family of the Congregation of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit in Peru gathered in the port city of Callao to celebrate Pentecost and renew our covenants. The communities of Medio Mundo, Huaura, Lima and Callao were present – only our sisters from...
Chile. Renewal of the covenant

Chile. Renewal of the covenant

Dear Family of the Congregation of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit, On Sunday 19 May this year 2024, we had our beautiful covenant renewal ceremony and Pentecost celebration.This was our first renewal without the accompaniment of a Sister from the DHS Congregation. ...
Pentecost. Family: festive sharing

Pentecost. Family: festive sharing

In Rennes, France, on the weekend of Pentecost, we came together as the “Daughters of the Holy Spirit Family”, in its three branches -Consecrated Seculars, Associates and Religious-  for a time of festive sharing! Around a festive table, a song dear to the...
Nigeria. 60th Anniversary Grand Final

Nigeria. 60th Anniversary Grand Final

The grand finale of the celebrations marking 60 years of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit took place on Friday 10 May 2024 at the Catholic Cathedral of Saint-Benoît in Osogbo. It was a glorious celebration attended by the bishops of the dioceses where the Daughters of...
Nigeria: sports day

Nigeria: sports day

To mark the 60th anniversary of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit in Nigeria, a new event was held on Tuesday 7 May 2024 at St Lawrence Grammar School, Ilesa, in honour of the ESF missionaries who have provided educational services at the school for many years. The...