On a beautiful late summer day in September, nearly 60 women gathered at the Daughters of the Holy Spirit Congregation Center -in Putnam, USA-, to remember and honor the memory of the man/priest who helped found the congregation in 1706.
Dom Jean Leuduger was a native of the Brittany region of France. After his ordination to the priesthood at the age of 25, he dedicated his life as a parish priest and missionary to the people of Upper Brittany. He was a man of deep prayer with a special devotion to the Holy Spirit and to Mary. He worked hand in hand with the founders of the Congregation and remained with the sisters as a guide and advisor from 1706 to 1714. He shared with his beloved sisters his dedication to the poor and to the education of children. He dreamed of crossing the ocean and bringing his deep love of God to many other people… Jean Leuduger died on January 17, 1722, leaving the world the rich legacy of his Daughters.
The September 10 gathering was an opportunity for members of the three branches of the Congregation (Sisters, Consecrated Seculars, Associates) and a good number of former Daughters of the Holy Spirit to meet. The participants shared a time of prayer and there was even a quiz on the life of Dom Jean and the history of the Congregation. Then, of course, an “indoor kitchen” with a multitude of homemade desserts provided a delicious lunch for all.
Excited voices rose in pitch, cameras rolled and captured shots that would freeze this moment in time. The afternoon fled much too quickly and gradually hugs (covid not allowed on the premises that day), made parting ways bittersweet as promises of prayer and of staying in touch echoed from the assembly room out into the parking lot as the day came to a close.
We thank the provincial team for envisioning and planning this event and we sincerely thank all those who came together in one heart and mind. In the words of our closing prayer, “Let us pray that we remain open to the challenging calls of the present time, attentive to this world, to the Church, and faithful to the origins of our Congregation. “
Happy Anniversary, Dom Jean, and to each of us as well.