Celebration of entry into the novitiate

On Sunday 22 September, at 5.30pm, in the beautiful chapel of the novitiate of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit, in Ngaoundéré-Marza, CAMEROON, we joyfully celebrated the official entry into the novitiate of 4 novices from Burkina-Faso.

In addition to sisters Pauline MAÏSENSO and Vedette NDAOKAÏ -novitiate community-, the chapel welcomed sister Bertine BAYANG, vice-provincial councillor and delegate of the vice-provincial, some priests, friends, neighbours and faithful of the parish of Notre-Dame de la Présentation in Marza. All encouraged the young people in their choice to follow Christ. The simple and sober celebration aroused a number of feelings in us, particularly through the symbol of the group: two bouquets of flowers, one with flowers that had not bloomed and the other with flowers that had bloomed well, very pleasant to look at, expressing a process of transformation. The novices have identified with the first bouquet of flowers because they know that, over time, they are called to blossom and become like the second, not only at the end of their formation but even more so throughout their lives, and so be pleasing in the eyes of God and mankind.  ‘This transformation will only be possible if we allow ourselves to be formed, taking advantage of the opportunities available to us to grow in every aspect of our lives. We are counting on God’s grace and your prayers to carry out this inner work.

Each of them had something to say on the subject.
* PAGBELGUEM SIDBEWINDIN Anne: ‘First of all, I thank God for his wonders in my life and for this wonderful opportunity he has given me to continue my formation in Cameroon. The spiritual retreat we went on – from 15 to 21 September at the Foyer de Charité in this town in preparation for entering the novitiate – was a time of inner and outer preparation. My sincere thanks to the congregation for all it has done for me since my postulancy… The official entry into the novitiate was a landmark celebration for me, because I experienced it in a climate of joy and hope. Indeed, through this celebration I felt loved, respected and considered in the congregation. And I ask God to be open to letting me be formed, shaped and moulded like clay in the hands of the potter, (the reading we chose: Jeremiah 18:6) for the good of the congregation and for the world. I will always remember our symbol of the two bouquets of flowers: during formation and throughout our lives, we are called to blossom like the flowers in the second bouquet, in order to be pleasing in the eyes of God and mankind. May the Lord complete in me what he has begun’.
* OUEDRAOGO Monique: ‘I am grateful to God for this special day and for the step we have taken in his footsteps. My gratitude goes to this vice-province, which kindly welcomed us into the congregation. I was happy and touched by the welcome, which shows me how much we are loved. As I begin my formation, I am confident. May the Holy Spirit enlighten me on my journey.
* ZAGRE TOUWENDSIDA Sylvie: ‘I thank God for the gift of my life and for the celebration of our entry into the novitiate. Thank you Lord for allowing me to take this step in your footsteps. I thank the Vice-Provinces of Cameroon and Burkina Faso from the bottom of my heart for this opportunity to begin a new stage in my vocational journey. I was touched when I received the cross and the rule of life, which strongly mark my belonging to the congregation, to the Daughters of the Holy Spirit Family. Lord, I entrust to you the continuation of my formation: do with me what you will. Many thanks to you, my sisters!
* BASSINGA Estelle: ‘I was very happy to take this step in my vocational journey by receiving the Cross and the Rule of Life of the Congregation from Sister Bertine. I thank the Lord for having put this desire to follow him in my heart.  The dedication and involvement of the sisters of the community in making this ceremony a success touched me deeply, and through them I saw all the sisters of the Vice-Province. After the celebration, I was also happy about the fraternal sharing, which I hadn’t expected! Then my thanks go to the Vice-Provinces of Cameroon and Burkina Faso, who kindly accepted me into the great Daughters of the Holy Spirit family to help me better discern my vocation, discover Christ more fully and serve him, together with others.

The beautiful celebration continued in the main hall, where the community had prepared a drink of friendship. The atmosphere was very lively. We got to know each other better. May the Lord continue to inspire vocations in the congregation.

Sister Vedette NDAOKAÏ and the novices -Estelle, Sylvie, Monique and Anne-.
Marza-Ngaoundéré Novitiate Community. Cameroon. Published on 1 October 2024

Photos :
1. The novices explaining their symbol
2. He novitiate community and Sister Bertine
3. The assembly present4.
4. The novices: Anne, Monique, Estelle and Sylvie
5. Decoration of the altar in the novitiate chapel