Children’s Day Celebration

Children’s Day is celebrated every year on May 27 at the Collège Catholique Marie Balavenne (MBCC) in Ilogbo, Nigeria. On this day, the Bishop of the Diocese of Abeokuta, Mgr Peter Odetoyinbo, organizes what he calls “a day with the Bishop”, when all the children from primary and secondary schools and from the Holy Childhood Association come together to perform various presentations: songs, dances and games etc… 

This “Day with the Bishop” is also when the bishop himself finds the opportunity to pass on important messages to these young people, particularly about their attitudes, their relationships with the people and things around them… For example, this year, through Pope Francis’ “Laudato si” message, he invited young people to get more involved in various aspects necessary for the protection of the earth, of society, both at home, at school, at the parish… so that they can have a bright future.

 In his message, the bishop explained that while the safety of humans must be guaranteed, the safety of the Earth must be an absolute priority. He explained that to achieve this, waste cannot simply be disposed of, as inappropriate landfill can pose a danger to human existence. Waste sorting is therefore encouraged, hence the various garbage cans that facilitate recycling. Ensuring safety and protecting the environment also means receiving fire-fighting advice and training, which students have already received to ensure the safety of their school and home.

In conclusion to this day, at the invitation of the bishop, let us not cease to increase our level of vigilance which guarantees and protects our earth from all dangers and thus safeguard the environment where we live.

Sister Rosemary Etim, DHS. Published June 9, 2023