COLLIN Germaine

Name in religious life: Sister Anne Noël
Year of profession: 1954
Age: 90 years old
Born in Saint-Martin-des-Prés (22)
Date of death: Tuesday 28 May 2024
Date and place of funeral: Friday 31 May at 2.30 pm in Saint-Brieuc, Maison-Mère, followed by burial in the cemetery.
His main obediences were: – Evran – Douarnenez – Quintin – Crozon – Saint-Brieuc – Plérin, Port Favigo – Rennes, 11 Bd Sébastopol – Blois – Sainte-Anne d’Auray, Sainte-Marie, communauté d’Accueil.
In Saint-Brieuc, Communauté 46 rue Notre-Dame, since 2018.

May God welcome him into his light!