DHS Aspirants

21 to 26 July 2024: a long-awaited moment for the Aspirants to the congregation of the “Daughters of the Holy Spirit”! They expressed their joy at seeing each other and us again, and at discovering our communities in Burkina Faso, especially those of Koudougou and Diébougou.

The opening of the camp at the Foyer Marie Balavenne in Koudougou took place in the chapel with the praying of the rosary; then we welcomed each other, the young people continuing to give each other news during the meal. Throughout the camp, we took part in the Eucharistic celebrations at the bishop’s palace: for many of them, it was a discovery of this place of the Church in Diébougou. Coming from three of the country’s dioceses – two aspirants from Koudougou, five from Ouagadougou and ten from Diébougou – we welcomed and accompanied these seventeen young women who wanted to get to know us better.

We proposed the following themes: baptism and its requirements; self-knowledge; the call to follow Christ and the history of our congregation. Then, what would an ESF aspirants’ camp be without field work? without making the rosary? without singing sessions? So we cultivated the postulants’ fields, and in the evenings, just before preparing for the next day’s Mass, we learned a few songs. We also gave the aspirants the opportunity to learn how to make rosaries and bracelets, and to enjoy some sport by climbing the hill of Divine Mercy and the Cathedral parish in the Diocese of Diébougou, where they asked questions about the religious of the Beatitudes.

As we parted, we encouraged them to keep their good spirit and their dynamism, insisting on their attachment to Christ. Sister Lydie Oho Noufe then offered them a rosary to show that every day they are invited to go to God through Mary.

We thanked God for the smooth running of this camp and asked him to put in the hearts of these young girls the desire to serve him in the footsteps of our foundresses Marie Balavenne and Renée Burel.

By Sister Edith YAMEOGO. Published on 8 August 2024