Ecological Economics

It’s a Jubilee Year of Hope! In his “Spes non confundit”, Pope Francis recognizes “a true ‘ecological debt’ exists especially between the global North and South, connected to commercial imbalances with effects on the environment…” 
“We are all too slow in developing economic institutions and social initiatives that can give the poor regular access to basic resources.’’ (LS 109).
‘’Today, personally, and together, we will reflect on what breeds injustice and abject poverty…’’ We are invited to read the signs of the times if we are to make a positive impact. (General Chapter 2021) 

What choices do I need to make to tackle the injustice in our society?
How do I/we protect the dignity of workers who are our collaborators in the field of mission?
In what way is the Spirit inviting us to safeguard our common home in the face of today’s consumerism and throwaway culture?
Conversation with the Lord of the Universe:
God of life, in your mercy, draw us into your all-embracing love, where everyone finds a place in our common home. Heal our wounded Earth.
Activity for contemplation:
– Contemplate the beauty of creation. Plant a seed/Create a garden.
– Pray for those most affected by economic inequalities.
– Pray for those affected by adverse climate change.
Possible Individual / Community Activities:
– Create time to give an ecological message to others around a cup of coffee/tea.
– Be intentional about saving water and electricity.
– Make a conscious effort not to be wasteful and live by needs and not by wants.
– Commit to reading the expiration dates of items before purchasing them.
– Reuse things and curb the desire to buy.
– Support recycling of the Earth’s goods.
– Take care of personal and shared items.
– Purchase locally produced goods and strive to grow local seeds.
– Consider just wages for the workers.
– Join movements and collaborate with other networks to address the roots of structural poverty.

Concluding Prayer: Eternal Spirit and Lord, you move each of us to participate in your work of renewal of God’s creation. Grant us your Spirit’s Wisdom to embrace a sustainable way of life. Awaken in us our desire for love of God in all things. Draw our hearts to just action or love of the Earth and care of the most vulnerable. Amen.

Lent: week 3 – Ecological Economics
Pilgrimage of Hope for Creation 
Laudato Si Commission: Sr. Abiola ADIGBOLUJA, General Council