Huelgoat: the departure of the Sisters

On 1 June 2024, the eve of the Feast of the Blessed Sacrament, the parish community gathered for a Eucharist of thanks and goodbye to the Sisters of Huelgoat – a French commune in the Finistère department in the Brittany region-.  A number of Daughters of the Holy Spirit from neighbouring communities came to show their solidarity: two of them have taught at Huelgoat in the past.

It was a day full of the colours of the Gospel!  The parish organised everything…
As soon as the clock in the bell tower struck the hour, the leader intoned: Bread of God, bread of life, sign of the Lord’s love… The singing filled the church and Father Le Goff, the parish priest, remarked that the congregation was much larger than usual.
At the beginning of the celebration, the history of the Congregation’s 151 years of presence in Huelgoat was recounted and the local population was thanked: the sisters have been happy here, they have always felt welcome and many links have been forged with the local population.  Three priests, formerly in charge of Huelgoat, concelebrate with Father Le Goff.  Among them, Lommig Gonidou, chaplain at Ile Blanche, gave a beautiful homily, very much in tune with our charism. At the end of the mass, the whole assembly was invited to join the municipal hall for a convivial moment over an excellent buffet.

To open the evening, the choir sang a song. Then came the words of thanks to Sisters Aline, Marie and Annick: a chorister told them how much their participation in the choir, in all simplicity and as equals, had been appreciated ;  then a British Anglican couple thanked them for welcoming them as friends. Father Le Goff, in turn, reminded the audience that the most important thing in life is to love people, and that’s exactly what the sisters had done.  In conclusion, the Mayor of Huelgoat underlined some of the characteristics of religious life that are demonstrated in the community by the commitment of each one: service, closeness to the people, listening, kindness and availability.  Despite their age, they are active in the Church, in the parish, at the EHPAD, in their visits to the sick…
The parish and municipality have presented them with gifts to make sure they don’t forget Huelgoat. The sisters were moved and gave thanks.

At the end of the day, it was clear that this simple presence among the people had borne good fruit in the colours of the Gospel. ‘You have helped people to come closer to God, and that is the most important thing in the world’...

Sister Nicole PONCHAU, Provincial Councillor.  Published on 7 June 2024.