On Thursday, August 25, 2022, the Catholic Diocese of Oshogbo and the Vice-Province of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit in Nigeria gathered at St Lawrence’s Catholic Church, Ilesa, for a Mass of Thanksgiving in honour of Sister Teresa BUCKLEY -of the Province of England, Ireland, Wales, who died on April 15, 2022. Sister Teresa was the first vice-provincial of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit in Nigeria. The Mass was presided over by the Catholic Bishop of Oshogbo, Bishop John Oyejola.
In his homily, Bishop Michael Okudua, called on the people to keep their faith in God in all situations that life brings, referring to Sister Buckley, as an icon of faith: she worked with such pastoral zeal throughout her period of service in Nigeria, from 1967 to 2003 – Bishop Okudua knew her well from 1974 onwards.
She was praised for her dedication to education, training of students, especially girls at Babalola Memorial Grammar School in Ilesa and its environs where she worked. She was also known for her dedication to teaching catechesis and celebrating communion in remote ‘stations’. Thanks to her dedication, many people were converted and embraced the Catholic faith.
Her great love for education also endeared her to the girls she trained at Our Lady Girls College in Modakeke. Through her very simple and humble lifestyle, she educated the students in a way that set them apart from others. She offered them morals and good values that made her loved and respected. She was also described as an excellent science teacher, a person who inspired discipline and a very kind nun.
She is also remembered as one of the members of the first pastoral team to open a school for children in Maryland, in Ogbomoso. She worked there with ever-increasing zeal to spread the seed of education and pastoral activities.
Bishop Okudua finally thanked God for the exemplary life led by Sister Buckley, which he noted was also seen in this way by the DHS in all the dioceses in Nigeria where they are currently embedded. According to Bishop Okudua, Sr Teresa Buckley has lived her services wholeheartedly and generously.µIn his speech, Bishop John Oyejola thanked God for the life of Sr Buckley and all the Daughters of the Holy Spirit in Nigeria who are practically following in her footsteps. He showed appreciation for their faithfulness in all their pastoral commitments. He prayed to God to grant eternal rest to Sr Buckley and more vocations and graces for service where all the sisters are.
Anthonia Ayeni, Vice Provincial of Nigeria, expressed her gratitude to the Bishop, the priests and all those who have contributed to the growth of the mission entrusted to the Daughters of the Holy Spirit.
It was truly a great moment of remembrance! Teresa Buckley with affection through the various tributes and testimonies presented that day.