Jubilee celebrations in the USA

On Sunday 2 June, the American Province of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit was invited to gather at St Joseph’s Church in Willimantic, Connecticut, to honour the Sisters and Associates who together celebrated a total of 380 years of service to the congregation and to the people of God!

The honorees began their day with a corsage-pinning ceremony followed, in the late morning, by lunch and, at 2pm, the Jubilee Liturgy celebrated by Bishop Michael Coté of the Diocese of Norwich, with the Right Reverend Laurence LaPointe as co-celebrant. The liturgy included the renewal of vows and commitments by the jubilarians, with musical accompaniment by cantor Annette Pavone and organist Tom Gouin.
Mass was followed by a delightful reception, during which families and friends exchanged congratulations, hugs and stories until late afternoon.

Congratulations to all our jubilarians.  May the Spirit of love, service and gratitude always shine upon you!

Françoise GAUTHIER. Published June 10, 2024

Photo.  From left to right
– Zena Pereira, FSE, 65 – Bishop Michael Coté of the Diocese of Norwich – Irène Charpentier, FSE, 70 – Pauline Champagne, FSE, 70 – Barbara Lisien, Associate, 25.
Associates/Jubilarians celebrating their 25th anniversary, who were unable to attend the event in person:?Olga Berlanga, Annette Fontaine, Virginia Iturreir, Janet McKone, Lorraine and Normand Ross.