Jubilee of consecrated life in Peru

Hope, a light that transfigures our paths! On 2 February, we had the great joy of celebrating together at national level, in Lima Cathedral,  the Eucharist of the Jubilee of Consecrated Life. 

By entering the Holy Door and carrying out the other acts foreseen for this purpose, we benefited from the plenary indulgence that the Holy Father has granted to those who so wish.
At 2pm, the Holy Door was opened and pilgrims and sowers of hope were welcomed from all over Peru. At the start of the celebration, the President of the Episcopal Commission of the Institute of Consecrated Life, Mgr Juan José Salavery, invited us to light our lights to renew our vows and our commitment to Christ and to our brothers and sisters. This Jubilee is an opportunity to return to our first love, that moment when we listened to the voice of the Lord who called us by name to live according to the example of our founders. In his homily, he insisted on the fact that we are called to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world! Consecrated life is a living witness to God’s love, reflecting abandonment, service and mission. Consecrated persons who say ‘yes’ to the Lord’s call become signs of Christ’s light in the world, bringing hope where there is pain, peace where there is turmoil, and faith to every heart. He thanked every consecrated person who, with a generous heart, dedicates his or her life to building the Kingdom of God.

Our people from Lima, who were celebrating Our Lady of Candlemas, were also present at this celebration. It was a great joy to see each artistic group prostrate itself before the Holy Door. Together with our people, we walked and sowed the seeds of hope that do not disappoint in a world that is both beaten and thirsty for God and his merciful love. We concluded the day with a fraternal sharing.

May the Virgin Mary, model of total consecration to God, encourage us and help us to live the vocation to which we have been called, by being pilgrims and sowers of Hope.

Sister Pascaline YAMEOGO Community of Peru. Published on 7 February 2025