According to Pope Francis, an integral ecology sets in motion and integrates the human and social dimensions that we are called to live by our Rule of Life: “United with those God has associated with us”. This concerns the relationships between us, Sisters of the same community, with our Sisters in Chile and the Family “Daughters of the Holy Spirit” of the different Provinces and Vice-Provinces (Sisters, Associates, Consecrated Laywomen).
We are linked in community by our community project, elaborated together in a climate of listening and mutual trust, a project that inhabits our daily life: the welcome of people who knock on our door, a smile, a listening ear, our prayer; the visits to neighbours, to the sick, the accompaniment of our different groups, such as the accompaniment of Associates so that Spirituality is communicated through them… The relationship is also created in the sharing of moments of joy and sorrow among ourselves and with our People.
The relationship with our Sisters in Chile: telephone calls but also living together a virtual meeting and the assembly of delegates which unites even more!.
We feel linked to the permanent deacons and their wives: every Saturday we meet to pray, share the Sunday Gospel and have breakfast. At the level of our pastoral zone, which includes priests, sisters, deacons and lay people, we share the different realities of the mission and seek solutions together to live better in Church. With the Religious of the Diocese, we have a recollection every last Monday of the month to get to know each other better as pastoral agents. At the national level, “Confer Peru” makes us participate in different human and social trainings.
Together we try to listen to the cry of the poor and of the earth through a simple awareness among ourselves and around us: – making cloth bags to buy bread at the market and thus avoid using plastic bags that pollute nature, – recovering plastic bottles and selling them to help vulnerable people, – reusing oil to make soap. The Municipality of Huaura invites us to sort our waste: different bins are at our disposal and its staff comes twice a week to collect and recycle. At the level of our parish, the Parnershaft group has bought dishes that we use every time there is an event to avoid disposable dishes.
We feel it is very important to avoid wasting water and electricity. We look forward to seeing our garden flourish with our compost.
We commit ourselves to continue to educate ourselves, to raise awareness to fight against injustice, corruption, to fight poverty and to restore the dignity of the excluded!
“Together for a better world for all”.
Photo 2: Recycling, by Sister Françoise.
Photo 3: Recycling of used oil, for soap making, by Sister Pascaline.
Photo 4: selling used clothes.