Laudato Si: ecology at school

The Daughters of the Holy Spirit of Nigeria plan to celebrate their 60th anniversary in Nigeria in 2024. In anticipation of this remarkable celebration, they are engaged in important activities in the institutions where they work and in their various communities. One of these important activities is their response to the cry and care for Mother Earth, the action plan launched by Pope Francis. On 17 July 2023, Collège catholique Marie-Balavenne adopted the Laudato Si plan in a very special way. To this end, the school run by Sr Rosemary Etim, DHS, organised a seminar for college staff and students who took part in the general clean-up of the school grounds, while ensuring that flowers were planted to enhance the beauty of the environment.

The seminar leaders were the Very Reverend Father Clement ASHADE and SR. Adenike ADENIRAN, DHS. Father ASHADE explained that the principles of Laudato Si are linked to the protection of our common heritage – MOTHER EARTH.  He explained the different ways of preserving the ecology. Sr Adenike also urged the students and staff present to adopt a healthy and holy lifestyle by taking meticulous care of the ecology.
Earlier, the headmistress had arranged for the strategic placement of litter bins, and the pupils and staff, under the guidance of Sisters Busayo and Maria, enthusiastically placed the bins to promote a litter-free environment.

Understanding the importance of Laudato Si as explained and demonstrated by Reverend Father and the sisters, the whole school community committed to being ambassadors for Laudato Si wherever they are.

The impression that Laudato Si has left on the school community is currently one of non-pollution, cleanliness, aesthetics…  At the end of the programme, some of the pupils, such as Kamsy and Chiamaka, were delighted by the beauty of the school’s outlook and discovered that Laudato Si had a great effect on the school environment. They volunteered to water the flowers every morning: in this way, they are fulfilling their duty to take care of the earth!

Sister Rosemary Etim, DHS. Published on 20 July 2023