Maison « Jeanne Guernion » : summer party!

On Wednesday 21 June, in glorious sunshine, most of the residents of the “Maison Jeanne Guernion” in Saint-Brieuc – Bretagne. FRANCE – either on their own or accompanied by the staff, made their way to the grounds of the Maison-Mère des Filles du Saint-Esprit for the annual fair.

In the shade, under a tree decorated with magnificent pompoms made by some of the residents, everyone was able to enjoy the musical entertainment, taste crêpes and “barbe-à-papa”, cider or fruit juice, and have their photo taken by Oriane, our entertainer and photographer… Staff members and their children were also invited. Stands and games were available for everyone: sack races, can breakers, face painting,…
“The children were delighted,” says Sister Louise. “It’s a change, it brings people together”.

It was a lovely afternoon, appreciated by all, a time for conviviality to celebrate the arrival of summer.

Pascale Judic, Assistant to the Community Leader
for the Community of Senior Sisters of Maison Jeanne Guernion (Saint Brieuc)
Published on 19 June 2023