Nigeria. The Youth Summit

The Summit of the Catholic Youth Organization of Nigeria was held on the last weekend of August 2024 at Sacred Heart Minor Seminary, Diocese of Ondo, on the theme: ‘Those who hope in the Lord will run and not be weary’ (Isaiah 40:31).

Ibadan Ecclesiastical Province is made up of 5 Catholic Dioceses which are: Ibadan Arch- Diocese, Oyo, Ilorin, Osogbo, and Ondo. Dioceses. 130 youths participated in the Summit. The Provincial Youth Summit of this year took a very unique form compared to the former. The youths were grouped into families. The family names were St. Zita, St John Bosco, St Dominic Savio, St Charles Lwanga and St. Maria Goretti. Each family had a slogan to identify itself as a group and carried out different activities until the end of the programme.

The opening Mass was celebrated by Bishop Jude Ayodeji Aogundade, the Catholic Bishop of Ondo. The co-celebrants were the young chaplains and I was the only woman religious in the group taking part in the programme. During the homily, the bishop encouraged the young people to imitate our Mother Mary, who is sincere, humble and always takes the initiative to do God’s will. The bishop urged all young people to know how to take the initiative to do something good, drawing inspiration from the Gospel according to St Luke where Mary visited Elizabeth of her own free will. To succeed in life, a young person must have willpower and determination and know how to stand out, like Mary. Young people should always ask themselves this question when they succeed or fail: ‘What is the best I can do?
After the Mass, there was a Paper presentation by Rev. Fr. Gabriel Omeke on the theme; ‘Those who hope in the Lord will run and not be weary’’ (Isaiah 40:31). He encouraged the youth not to be fraudulent but to engage themselves in things that are legal and be contented with what they have. They should not make someone unhappy because of selfish desires. Young people need to discipline themselves and stay focused on what really counts and gives life.

There were competitions on the following games ludo, what, team building, human not, chase, valley ball and football and a local game called ‘ayo’. The participants and contestants were very zealous, courageous in exhibiting their skills and team-spirit: St Zita family came first, St Dominic Savio 2nd, and St. Maria Goretti 3rd in all the games. Quiz questions were based on the Church doctrine and some scriptural passages:  St. Maria Goretti Family came first, St Dominic Savio 2nd, and St Zita 3rd

On day three, the following programmes were attended to: Best figure of faith, Panel section, Divine Mercy prayer, Treasure hunt, Rosary Procession, Confession and Praise night. Best figure of faith was based on the Saints of the families. Families were given time to talk about their Saints name and what the youths can learn from the saints. St Zita family came first, St Charles Lwanga; 2nd, and St. Maria Goretti, 3rd.
Panel section was facilitated by Oyo Diocesan Chaplain, two youths (a man and a woman)  and myself, Sr Chibuzor A. Onyeananam, DHS. The major task in this event was to listen attentively and answer with conviction. One of the concerns was on Abstinence not pre-marital sex before marriage. What is the church offering in terms of help. This section became the peak moment of the Summit and took the longest time more than expected, because it touched the reality of what some youths in the society are facing. The session was concluded with the stand of the Church and the values of different cultures. The take away lessons were ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, seek for counseling, cultivate values, talk about your problem with the right person, learn to be generous, where your own goodness stop is where the other person goodness starts, cultivate self-respect, respect is reciprocal etc…  “

The Summit came to a close with Mass and at the end of Mass prizes were given to the best overall of the 5 families. St. Zita came 1st, St. Maria Goretti 2nd, and St Dominic Savio 3rd. the youth were extremely happy with new insights gained.

SR CHIBUZOR A. ONYEANANAM, DHS, Youth coordinator Osogbo Diocese.
Published on 3 September 2024