Burkina Faso. Having reached the end of our novitiate formation, today we are very happy to have been accepted into the Congregation of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit which has become our religious family.
After a few days of meditation on the foundations of religious life, the expectations of the Congregation and the Church, we had a day of reflection on computer and communication techniques… Then, at the Jesuits’ house, we experienced a spiritual retreat which strengthened and motivated us further in view of our commitment to follow Christ: we were somewhat stressed but the accompaniment of these days freed us from it. During the mass we received the blessing of our parents as a sign of their acceptance to give us to God. The priest who celebrated the mass emphasised the importance of living in community, a place of growth and not of sighing. Through a game of alphabetical letters, the priest strongly encouraged us to be “Signs” in community and not “monkeys” who divide and weaken fraternal life. He also invited us to live the wisdom of our symbols which are: the candle which lights up, for Denise, the quality of availability, for Pascaline, the mango tree which translates the continuous growth and the return to the source which is God the Father, for Edith, the fruit tree which translates the need for maintenance to grow, for Eugénie.
Our older sisters from the Vice-Province of Burkina Faso took this event to heart and gave themselves body and soul for its success. They are “gifts” to us by their welcome and we were very happy, as young professed sisters, to express our grateful joy with traditional dances and songs.
With you, Daughters of the Holy Spirit, we are now linked by the beautiful heritage left to us by Marie Balavenne and the first sisters, her companions. We have accepted to be sent on mission in our communities to be a “sign”, to build and maintain together our common house, the “House of Charity”. May the Lord continue to obtain for us his grace for the good, to build up.
One stage is over. Another begins! We are still counting on your prayers to remain faithful to our commitment, because if we are overflowing with joy today, it is partly because of your support. Thank you to each of you!