Olympic Games… in Elven

Since 1 July, the Olympic Games organised by the Filles du Saint-Esprit community in Elven have been taking place in a very relaxed atmosphere, full of joy and humour.

On Monday 22 July, we put our memories to the test with the QUIZZ.
Four of us, who of course won’t be competing, brainstormed the quiz questions together: 14 questions with 3 possible answers. Over the previous weeks, a lot of information about the Paris Olympic Games had been scattered around the community, on the notice board and on the table in the reading room…
At 2.30pm, it was time for the test! The questions were specifically about the Olympic flame. Each team thought about what they had remembered about the subject… Then each team took its place and Nathalie handed each one a sheet of paper with the possible answers. The first question appeared on the television screen. Then each team debated to agree on a “Yes” or “No” answer… until the end of the test.
And when all was said and done, the verdict was in: 2 teams tied with 10 correct answers out of 14! Everyone applauded and congratulated each other, winners and losers alike. The good mood was still there… and as usual, we ended with a nice little snack!

Here are some of the questions asked:
1. Where did the Olympic flame come from? Italy – Greece – Lithuania.
3..On which ship was it transported? – France – Charles de Gaulle – Belem.
4. Which athlete was the first to carry the flame to Marseille? – Laurent Manaudou – Marie-Jo Pérec – David Douillet
6. The flame passed through Morbihan on 8 May. How many spectators watched it pass: – 75,000 – 100,000 – 80,000.
8. After leaving Brest, the flame headed for the islands on what kind of boat? – an old rigging – a trimaran – a warship.
10. How was the flame displayed on the official stand in Paris? – on a military tank from the 1940s – by a horseman – by a military woman.
13. Which country organised the Olympic Games in 2020? – Japan – England – United States.
14. Where will the next Games be held in 2028? – Spain – Qatar – Los Angeles.

On Friday 26 July, at 2.30pm, THE BELOTE competition was held in the main hall… It’s serious: here, you play your trumps!
To make 2 quadrettes, we had to call on outside help: the number of “beloteuses” was insufficient, so Father Jean, a friend of the community and a regular at our “cafés-sourires”, and Jean Paul (both belote enthusiasts) came to help out. The atmosphere was great; the tables even had to be moved further apart to maximise concentration! One of the 2 teams quickly fell behind: you either play or you don’t!  The “Poppies” team was the winner!
As usual, we finished with a snack of pastries and various drinks.

There’s still one event that started at the beginning and is still going strong: THE WALK!
Each team enters its daily walking time on a board. The times will be added up: the winning team will be the one with the most hours.  This will be on August 1. The games will end with a festive morning and a good meal with our “captains”.

Thank you to Nathalie, to our employees, to everyone for these moments of relaxation, joy and fraternity spent together. We won’t wait a hundred years to do it again!

The Elven DHS community. Published on 4 August 2024