Operation “Green Sahel

The morning of 6 July 2024 was a special day for us Daughters of the Holy Spirit from the Maroua communities (Galdima, Djarengol and Makabaye neighbourhoods) in Cameroon, known as “Reforestation Day”.

We and a few friends were on hand to reforest our plot of land in IBASANGUE (a small town about 5 km from Maroua town centre). In total, we planted 43 fruit trees, including 15 mango trees, 10 orange trees, 10 lemon trees, 5 grapefruit trees and 3 guava trees. We undertook this “Green Sahel” operation to give concrete expression to our focus for the 2022-2024 Vice-Province year, which invites us to listen to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor, as well as to take account of the General Chapter’s guidelines, which are in line with Pope Francis’ call in Laudato si: “Take care of our common home, the earth”. It was a time of joy, solidarity and mutual support. Everyone gave their best to the well-distributed tasks: while some went to fetch water, others dug holes and still others measured the planting distance between the trees. It was a great atmosphere!

We left full of hope, with the feeling that we had taken part in saving the earth and had responded positively to the climate emergency. The invitation is still valid, given that climate change is increasingly being felt in every corner of the world. We realise that each of us, at our own level, must continue the work… whether it’s planting a tree, sorting rubbish or avoiding the use of chemicals that are harmful to the environment…

Communion of action and prayer in the struggle to respond better to the cries of the earth and the cries of the poor.

Community of Galdima, sisters: Yvonne MAPOU, Julienne MACTHOU Lucie NOPELBA, Justine AMANI and Marcelline ITETSHI. Published on 14 July 2024

° Operation “Green Sahel.  From an operational point of view, in the 1970s and 80s, the Government of Cameroon initiated and implemented a vast reforestation programme known as “Operation Green Sahel”, the aim being to control the advance of the desert, and to raise awareness and educate the population about the importance of preserving the environment ….

1- Arrival of the reforestation team
2- Young mango tree being planted
2- The planting area