Pentecost in Peru

This year, the Family of the Congregation of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit in Peru gathered in the port city of Callao to celebrate Pentecost and renew our covenants.

The communities of Medio Mundo, Huaura, Lima and Callao were present – only our sisters from Cajamarca were missing. Associates, pre-associates, sisters and candidates for the Secular Branch also took part.

In the morning, we met at the Santa Angela Merici parish school in Carmen de la Legua, where we reflected on the Pentecost letter sent by our Sister Superior General of the Congregation. At midday, we went to the church for the Eucharistic celebration of this great feast of the Holy Spirit and renewed our Covenant. Then we shared a delicious lunch.

Let us be filled with the joy of the resurrection – ‘life has conquered death’ – and feel the fire of the Holy Spirit.
Listening to our people and walking together, let us proclaim and build the Kingdom of God by being disciples and missionaries.

Callao, May 2024.
The DHS Associates of Peru. Communicated by Meri Virto. Published on 2 June 2024