Project to help internally displaced people.
Over the years, Burkina Faso has been plagued by insecurity, with armed groups appearing throughout the country, especially in the East and North. These groups sow terror, attacking villages and burning everything in sight: markets, crops, stalls and homes. This recurring phenomenon leads to massive displacement of villagers to neigh-boring villages or to the city. As a result, many families arrive in a town from one day to the next, not knowing where to sleep, what to eat or how to educate their children. Pupils who have left their original schools because they were closed or even burnt down, find themselves on the streets, unable to continue their education. Some turn to begging, banditry and drugs, while others are tempted to join armed groups that offer them the prospect of a better life.
– Continue children’s schooling.
– Start first aid.
– Buy corn and enable them to start small businesses so that they can take care of themselves and not depend on others.
– Enable them to reintegrate into society and generate income to help their families.
Needs expressed:
– Schooling and self-help activities 1,000 €
– Purchase of corn 1,400 €
Total project cost 2,400 €