DHS Solidarity Projects

DHS Solidarity Projects – 2025

“Whenever you did it to one of these little ones
who are my brothers and sisters, you did it to me.”
(Mt 25:40)
The year 2024 has enriched us with the testimonies of various commitments, but it has also marked us with numerous trials and crises that have had a lasting impact on populations
These situations have left many people in extreme vulnerability: famine, mass displacements, conflicts, housing crises, growing insecurity, lack of education… Faced with this degrading situation, Pope Francis invites us to hope, for he says “Hope does not disappoint.” It is a call to continue, with others, our efforts of solidarity and sharing, to contribute our share to the Hope of the world.
Many of you have always responded to our requests to give life and a smile to our vulnerable brothers and sisters. Thanks to your donations, we bring hope to the lives of children, young people, women and vulnerable people wherever we serve. We would like to thank you for your generous contributions to the NEW  2025 PROJECTS.
Reaching out to the least of these, our brothers and sisters, is always possible thanks to you. May the Spirit bless your daily efforts so that together we can bring a smile to the faces of the poor.

Sister Simone DONTSA, DHS

Practical instructions

If you want to make a donation for the projects proposed in this Bulletin or to continue to support one of the numerous projects in Africa (Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Nigeria) and in Latin America, here are some practical instructions :
– The Congregation of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit is authorized to deliver tax receipts. It is also able to benefit from corporate sponsorship.
– Make your cheques payable to Solidarité Projets FSE
– Specify the project which you are supporting and if you wish to receive a tax receipt.
It can happen that certain projects receive more donations than they requested.
In this case, we would like to be able to attribute the surplus to another project, unless it receives contrary indications from you.
— Address the letter to:
Congrégation des Filles du Saint-Esprit – Solidarité Projets
15 boulevard Sébastopol – BP 50148
35101 RENNES Cedex 3
— For further information or clarification, you may contact:
Sister Anne Donnelly – Tel. 02 99 67 21 48
E-mail: economat.fse@cfse.net






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