Promotion of young women

Friday 31 May 2024 was a day of celebration at the Centre de Promotion de la Jeune Fille (CPJF) in Touloum, a town in Cameroon’s Far North region: we were delighted to celebrate the completion of several girls’ training by holding a ceremony to award them their certificates of attendance.

The ceremony included the playing of the national anthem by the young people of the CPJF, my words of welcome as Director, entertainment with songs and sketches, the presentation of certificates to those who had completed their training, the cutting of the cake as a symbolic gesture of support for the Centre, a visit to the exhibition stands to see and witness the marvels these young girls are achieving, and the sharing of a glass of water. We also presented a gift to the parish priests who had kindly refurbished the classrooms.

This ceremony was preceded by a pilgrimage to the tomb of Sister Anne-Marie VOLANT, one of the first 5 Daughters of the Holy Spirit to come from France to Cameroon to share the human and spiritual heritage of Marie BALAVENNE and Renée BUREL – the first sisters of the Congregation. This is why several DHS were present at the celebration. We were delighted when Sister Angèle HARANGA SILIKAM, on behalf of our entire vice-province, offered us some basic necessities (sewing machine, sewing thread, etc.).We express our deep gratitude to the sisters and benefactors who, in different ways, have never ceased to support us in our mission and for the various needs of the Centre, which is increasingly affected by the global socio-economic and climatic crisis. We continue to pray that the Lord will never cease to bless all those who help us in any way in our missions.

These young girls can now take charge of their own lives in their families and in society.
In my first experience as headmistress, I was also forming myself humanly and spiritually, and I can testify that the Holy Spirit is with us in every gesture of mutual aid, openness and sharing.

We give thanks to God for the year that is drawing to a close, and we entrust to him the year to come. May the Lord create in the hearts of all of us a spirit of sharing and compassion to meet the needs of those most in need.

Sister Pascaline SOMDA, Touloum community.  Published on 11 June 2024