One month after the death of our dear Father Andrés Besinet Grollier in France at the age of 93, a mass was celebrated in Huaura, Peru, which was attended by his grateful friends and acquaintances, followed by a sharing. Father André is a French missionary “Fidei Domun” who worked 48 years in our diocese of Huacho and 25 years in our parish of Huaura. A whole life in the service of God and his people. The many testimonies expressed the unanimous appreciation of the people.
For us, Daughters of the Holy Spirit, it did us a lot of good to meet Father Andrés, our compatriot with an unforgettable smile and very clear, mischievous and kind blue eyes. “When we met you, you gave us great peace, great joy. Your characteristic was to make us return always to the Gospel and to look at reality and events with lucidity and a little humour. Sometimes you dramatised our reflections when we were very critical of a certain person, a certain group, a certain situation, and you made us see another side. André, the spirituality of Charles de Foucauld strengthened your contemplation of Jesus. In the Prado Fraternity, like its founder, Father Chevrier, you sought closeness to the poor, the forgotten, and that is why you gave yourself in many ways to peasants, workers, family catechesis, teachers, the handicapped, the sick, young people, families, seminarians. Christ Jesus has dwelt in you. Driven by his love, you have moved forward in life.
Thank you, Andrés, for being so close to everyone and so demanding at the same time. I dedicate to you “The Workers’ International” that you sang many times in marches and strikes. Andrés, you left us a message that energises us all. You have been invaded by the love of Jesus who has already taken you to the Father and we will find you in his house.
“Rise up for it is time. The world will be what you make it, full of love, justice and peace.”
Workers’ International:
“If you really want things to change and move, stand up because it is time. Comrade in misery, comrade in struggle, you who were silenced because you were worthless, stand up because it is time.”