On the afternoon of 22 October 2022, 8 people of all generations were working on the maps concerning climate change: maps whose titles and indications needed to be determined, through consultation between us, to ensure that they were correctly linked from cause to effect. Two competent and reassuring “fresco artists” accompanied us and delivered new maps step by step. Always faced with new findings that were degrading for the climate, at the 42nd and last card put down, great suspense: “Now what title would you give to this fresco” … And here we are suddenly made “co-authors”!
At the end of the game, for each of us: overwhelmed? Hope? A serious moment of reflection, exchange and confrontation. Each one of us is involved in finding, in our daily lives, what small gesture to make, as a new card against all those so harmful to humanity that this game revealed to us, so that we can be protectors of the world, that we sow beauty and not pollution and destruction.
Produced by the initiative of the team with the label “Green Church, Laudato si'” -for an ecological conversion-, in the parish of Notre-Dame de la Baie de Trégueux, a small town in Brittany. France.
Climate fresco created by a climate expert, Cédric Ringenbach, in 2018, and published in 195 countries!