Vocation camp

As part of its vocational pastoral work, the town of Léré – the diocese of Pala in Tchad – was once again faithful to its tradition in organising the mixed vocations camp from Thursday 11 to Sunday 14 July 2024.
I was delighted not only to take part, but even more to be the Congregation’s ambassador at this ecclesial gathering. The joy of the reunion and the introductions to the young people and their mentors from all over Chad and even from neighbouring Cameroon contributed greatly to the good atmosphere of these few days.

On the morning of Friday 12 July, we received teachings on the theme: ‘Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest’ (Mt 9:38), by Brother Cyrien, a missionary Oblate of Mary Immaculate. We remember these few words: ‘The Lord Jesus needs everyone and everyone personally. Christ wants his Word to reach the ends of the earth, … The Lord calls us to love him, to adore him and to serve him in married, consecrated or priestly life; but the most important thing is to be in inner peace, in harmony with ourselves and with those around us, wherever we live’. The speaker then reminded us of the need for a spiritual companion, someone with experience who can help us in our search for God’s plan for our lives. The content of the presentation provoked reactions, exchanges and interventions from the young people and their supervisors. Friday afternoon was given over to a presentation of the current year’s activities: the joys and difficulties experienced by each youth group, movement and association, and suggestions for the coming year. Relaxation activities included various games and preparations for the Saturday evening cultural evening.

On Saturday 13 July, several religious sisters and brothers presented their different congregations. Once again, I was delighted to talk about the Daughters of the Holy Spirit, and what a surprise it was to hear myself referred to at the end of the camp as ‘the sister of young people’! After lunch, we prepared for Sunday Mass and the cultural evening.

On Sunday morning, after a mass that we led, we made a date for next year. And before we left, we exchanged contacts so that we can stay ‘together’ when we part!
Several young people told me they wanted to get to know our Congregation better. May the Lord help us all in our desire to work well for his harvest.

Sister Alice TODOU, DHS. Community of Touroua, Cameroon. Published on 27 July 2024

1. Young people at the presentation
2.Group photo after mass
3. Presentation of a congregation