With the people of Chad, reread…

To mark the 70th anniversary of the presence of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit in Cameroon, several activities are planned, including a return to all the communities and parishes where they have lived. With this in mind, sisters Simone, Alice, myself, Julienne, and an associate ‘Papa Guy’, travelled to Mombaroua (a community opened in 1974 and closed in 1990), a Chadian village about 27 km south-east of Kaélé – Cameroon. On our way there, we thought of the Sisters Perrine CARIOU and Françoise DUPONT, who had started the mission there.

The main aim of this return to Chad was to re-read with the Chadian people the memory of the passage of the DHS and to give thanks together to the Lord for his blessings.

On Sunday 26 May, we left Kaélé very early in the morning and arrived well before mass time, welcomed by the parish priest, Father Colbert, a missionary Oblate of Mary Immaculate, and several other people.
There were two Masses in the two sectors of the parish: Sokoye and Bourssou, Masses that we found simple, sober yet solemn. We were delighted to meet many people and to talk about the life of the sisters, especially with those who knew them. We did not fail to recall the context of our visit: the 70th anniversary celebrations… When we asked them to pray for vocations, some of them expressed their wish to see the sisters return, because the presence of the DHS in the past was a great support for education, health and the sharing of the Word of God. Smiling, they told us: “The sisters’ house is still waiting”. And they told us about their joys and worries.

It was a sense of satisfaction for us to return to these places where we lived the Mission. “Lord, open us more to every culture so that we may be authentic witnesses of your loving and universal presence”.

Sister Julienne MATCHOU, Galdima community, Maroua. Published on 15 June 2024
Photo 1: After mass in front of the former DHS community: the four of us with the parish priest and young parishioners.