Young, lively, active church

‘Young Church, Living Church, Active Church’ was the slogan of the young people of the ecclesiastical province of Garoua.  Cameroon.

Indeed, it was in the dynamism of a living and active Church that the first Provincial Youth Days (JPJ) of the ecclesiastical province of Garoua were held in Yagoua from 3 to 7 July 2024. 1,168 young boys and girls with their various supervisors (priests, seminarians and nuns, including three Daughters of the Holy Spirit – sisters Simone, Alice and Odette), came to Yagoua from Ngaoundéré, Garoua and Maroua-Mokolo. All the diocesan delegations were received from 4 to 6 July in the diocese of Yagoua (at Kaélé, Doukoula and Yagoua). On 6 and 7 July, all the delegations gathered in Yagoua for the closing ceremony of the J.P.J., led by a bishop or a vicar general.

Remember that this first edition of the J.P. J is the initiative of the bishops of the ecclesiastical province of Garoua: Archbishop Faustin AMBASSA DJODO of the Archdiocese of Garoua, Bishop Bruno ATEBA of the Diocese of Maroua-Mokolo, Bishop Emmanuel ABBO of the Diocese of Ngaoundéré, Bishop Barthelemy YAOUDA, bishop of the diocese of Yagoua and archbishop emeritus Antoine TALOU of the archdiocese of Garoua, with the help of collaborators such as priest chaplains and sister youth counsellors.

The theme of the J.P.J was: ‘The synodal Church, an opportunity for young people in the face of today’s challenges’. Monsignor Barthelemy YAOUDA helped us to better understand the content of this topic. In his presentation, he invited young people to keep the flame of living together, of fraternity and of active and dynamic youth lit, in order to build a world of peace, a Cameroon of justice and peace. The young people were open in their exchanges with Monsignor Barthelemy. Their questions extended to the crucial issues facing our country and the Church. What they had to say was a source of joy for those of us accompanying them, because we could see that young people are increasingly concerned about issues of justice, peace and insecurity in the world, and particularly in Cameroon. It was also a call to be even more present and available, so that together, with the grace of God and the help of the Virgin Mary, we can build a better future, a fairer and more peaceful Cameroon. This first edition of the JPJ ended on Sunday 7 July with a solemn mass presided over by Archbishop Faustin AMBASSA DJODO.

Everyone was very happy to have taken part in this fraternal and ecclesial gathering. The second edition will be held in 2026 in the diocese of Ngaoundéré. May the Lord help us to carry the fruit of these World Youth Days into the preparations for those of 2026.

Sister Odette MAIBLAME, Koza community. Published on 22 July 2024

1. Evangelical procession in the Massa community
2. Mass on Sunday 7 July.
3. The archbishop emeritus of Garoua, Mgr Antoine TALOU, the current Mgr Faustin AMBASSA DJODO and Mgr Barthélémy YAOUDA, bishop of the diocese of Yagoua.µSisters Alice, Odette, Simone FSE and Victorine of the Holy Family of Bordeaux
4. Sisters Alice, Odette, Simone FSE and Victorine of the Holy Family of Bordeaux
5. On Sunday, during the closing mass in the courtyard of Yagoua cathedral
6. Map of Cameroon