Into the world

Our ‘lady of Lourdes hospital’ clocks 60 years!

Our ‘lady of Lourdes hospital’ clocks 60 years!

On Tuesday, 25th March 2025, Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Hospital, Ipetumodu in Nigeria marked the 60th Anniversary of her existence in Nigeria. This noble Health institute is situated in the Catholic Diocese of Osogbo, Nigeria. A brief history of the said Catholic...

Ecological education

Ecological education

Ecology is a collective asset, a heritage of humanity for which we are all responsible. Earth, which is not only our home but also God's, must be defended as holy ground. That's why we need to build a common project against the threats to our environment. As a...

One people, great nation

One people, great nation

On the 16th of March 2025, ‘Marie Balavenne’ Catholic College in Nigeria, celebrated her 8th Annual Cultural Day Festival. The event started with the celebration of the Holy Mass at 10am. The mass was celebrated by Rev Fr Francis Koshofa, SJ, with Rev Fr Matthew...

Ecological Economics

Ecological Economics

It’s a Jubilee Year of Hope! In his "Spes non confundit", Pope Francis recognizes “a true ‘ecological debt’ exists especially between the global North and South, connected to commercial imbalances with effects on the environment..."  "We are all too slow in developing...

The cry of the Poor

The cry of the Poor

“I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” (Jn 10:10) Today, personally and together, ‘We must listen to the cry of the poor, make it our own, find out what it is in our society that causes injustice and poverty, and confront our awareness with the...

The cry of Earth

The cry of Earth

Listen to The cry of Earth . The Jubilee is a sacred moment for all to remember, return, rest, repair and rejoice. It's a time of personal and communal conversion, a time of grace to repair the original harmony of creation and heal damaged human relationships. As Pope...

Remarkable sports competition

Remarkable sports competition

In Nigeria, the Maryland Catholic Nursery and Primary School organised its 14th biennial inter-school sports competition on 28 February 2025. The weather was fine and mild, allowing the children, staff and everyone else to participate actively. The school's houses...

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

“Today, let us not close our hearts, but listen to the voice of the Lord”(Psalm 94)On this day of Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent, let's open up a little more to ecological conversion. This time is given to us to prepare ourselves to make “a new heart and a...

Gospel – Prophecy – Hope

Gospel – Prophecy – Hope

On the initiative of Father Marivin, parish priest of Vannes cathedral - a city in Brittany, France - the religious men and women of the Vannes-Arradon deanery were invited to gather at the Collège de Saint-François-Xavier to celebrate the day of 2 February (the...

Jubilee of consecrated life in Peru

Jubilee of consecrated life in Peru

Hope, a light that transfigures our paths! On 2 February, we had the great joy of celebrating together at national level, in Lima Cathedral,  the Eucharist of the Jubilee of Consecrated Life.  By entering the Holy Door and carrying out the other acts foreseen for this...